Keaton Beach is a true Florida Gulf of Mexico experience. Quiet, family friendly, not yet exploited by growth. It’s another Florida small town, hidden jewel. Our campsite was directly on the Gulf. Alongside the pier, were pilings decorated in scuba gear (boy) and hula skirts (girls) and yes, in Florida even the pilings know the difference between man and a woman.
Hula Girl Piling Scuba Boy Piling
Last year we had the canoe and paddled and waded out in the water to fish. We found a great fishing hole at Dark Island where the 5-stringer debacle occurred. READ ALL ABOUT IT. This year with the boat, we discovered a honey hole directly out front of our campground where there are oyster bars, coral rock, and grass flats in abundance…perfect trout and redfish territory.
We headed into the town of Perry one day, (another small town no one’s ever heard of, about 30 miles west), due to the need to replace our electrical cord that some critter gnawed through. On the way home, we discovered a 60yr-old cafe, Deale’s “Famous” Oysters. It was like stepping back in time. When we walked through the door, we were greeted with, “Some fine folks just come through the door!”